Tennessee Williams: Sometimes there's God--so quickly.

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May 27Liked by Jeanine Kitchel

The exterior walls of so many homes in Mexico hide, to the person standing on the street, the secrets on the other side. So often, when you have the opportunity to step through the doorway, you are greeted with an oasis: a beautiful garden, a home half-open to the garden just beyond. And sometimes, you step into some exciting opportunity that you could never have guessed at, as unexpected as the oasis itself. Good on you for having found one of these...

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Wow. Love this analogy, Mike. Yes you’re right. Opportunity was knocking ever so subtly for all that time. And we were just stubborn enough to hold on till the knock could not be ignored. Thanks for that.

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What? No! Barry’s lot- next to Alejandro?! I had to read twice to make sure!! Weird! Never. Give. Up.

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YES! We were needless to say ecstatico! The poor people who’d just bought it 3 months before Gilberto were devastated. Both older. He was a retired basketball player, Boston. Too old to rebuild plus the cost. La Ceiba built back, quite grand. We built where Barry was. Not so for Alejandro.

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An exciting full circle moment!

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What a fantastic full circle moment!

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Unbelievably so, Priya. Truly I thought I had to pinch myself!!!

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May 25Liked by Jeanine Kitchel

You've done it again. Almost as exciting as playing with my three grandkids. NOW, that's saying a lot, girlfriend 💜

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Thank you, Micheline!!

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May 25Liked by Jeanine Kitchel

Your home buying experiences in Puerto Morales were such an incredible journey. You’ve got us captivated, wondering what the heck could possibly be around the next corner! Greatly looking forward to your next post!

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Thank you, Lana!

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"Full circle. Completion of cycle. I felt like I’d just stepped into Act Two of a play I’d written and was starring in. All my lines were perfect." - When this happens, you know.

Jeanine your writing makes me feel like I was there, exploring new possibilities and curious about the future.

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Thanks Tinashe. It took a while but the tables turned, finally. I’m glad I can do what some writers call ‘place writing.’ I really want readers to come along with me as I write.

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Jun 5Liked by Jeanine Kitchel

Great combo of slice of life and informative interactions. If I ever buy a home in Mexico I’ll stop here often.

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Mil gracias Shawn!!

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Jun 3Liked by Jeanine Kitchel

Love this Chapter about the possibility of coming "full circle!" Full of new hope and anticipation!

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Thanks Barbra. And yes, por fin!! At last!!!

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Incredible coincidence to find property right next to Alejandro. It sounds like you both were blessed! Can’t wait to find out what happens next.

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Yes, we were blown away. Waiting has its virtues. And since we always loved Puerto Morelos, maybe it was an accident waiting to happen.

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I’m looking forward to learning more about what happened. Being patient works wonders for sure!

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Thanks Daniel! We’re moving ahead, poco a poco.

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Love this!

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No need to apologize. I missed the last one, so now I’m caught up and continue to be captivated by your story.

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